Term Investment Product presents a chance for an investor to invest a fixed amount of money with Merino Real Estate for an agreed period of time. However, there can be a review up word – increasing the invested amount but not reduction of the amount invested is allowed. The investment will earn a prior agreed interest. The investment must be for a specified period or a number of months or years after which the contract ends with the investor receiving his/her whole principal amount and accrued interest therein. the investor can use his term investment contract to secure an advance from Merino Real Estate. The investment contract shall not be terminated before the fore agreed period of time. In case an investor terminates the contract before the full term of the contract that shall be deemed as a breach of contract and a penalty of 30% of amount invested shall be forfeited by the said investor.
Who can Join or become a Term Investor?
- Fundi, Business people, Shop keepers, Daily Farmers, House wives, Mama Mboga, Professional like Teachers, Lawyers among others established Business Men etc
- Anyone above the age of 18yrs
- Ready to invest as little as Kshs 100
- It’s advisable one to have a target for investment
- Be ready to abide to the terms and conditions
Benefits of Investing with Merino Real Estate as a Term Investor
- You are able to build/grow your wealth
- One enjoys dividend / interest
- You get discounted rate while buying a property with Merino Real Estate.
- The is free financial training
- It’s ideal arrangement for target investors (e.g. when you target to buy an asset by setting money aside in small bates)
How to Join
With your National ID copy, visit Merino Real Estate Offices, K-Unity Building 1st Floor, Banana Town. Or Call 0734822261, Email us via info@merinorealstate.com/sales@merinorealestate.com
Redeemable Preference Share Contribution Product presents a chance for an investor to buy shares and redeem them from Merino Real Estate at any time. For instance one can buy shares and then redeem them after a day, after a week, a month, after months or even after years without giving a notice or even indicating the period he/she will remain with the shares before selling them back to the company. The is a product which allows one to make quick decisions and convert his share ownership into liquid cash/money. The conversion of redeemable preference shares into cash will only require to visit Merino Real Estate offices and indicate the same to the officers, within the same time your money will be sent to you either via M-Pesa (Bulk Payment) or direct credit into your bank account or a cheque written in your favor.
Redeemable preference share earns an Interest. The interest rate fluctuates with the economic cycles. The interest rate is calculated per annum. However incase an investor withdraws his/her money before the end of a year, the interest is calculated as the number of days the investor held the shares as a fraction of the year.
Who can Join or Buy Redeemable Preference Shares
- Fundi, Business people, Shop keepers, Daily Farmers, House wives, Mama Mboga, Professional like Teachers, Lawyers among others established Business Men etc
- Anyone above the age of 18yrs
- Ready to invest as little as Kshs 100
- It’s advisable one to have a target for investment
- Be ready to abide to the terms and conditions
Benefits of Buying Redeemable Preference Shares
- You are able to build/grow your wealth
- One enjoys dividend / interest
- You get discounted rate while buying a property with Merino Real Estate.
- The is free financial training
- It’s ideal arrangement for target investors (e.g. when you target to buy an asset by setting money aside in small bates)
How to Join
With your National ID copy, visit Merino Real Estate Offices, K-Unity Building 1st Floor, Banana Town. Or Call 0734822261, Email us via info@merinorealstate.com/sales@merinorealestate.com
Irredeemable Preference Share Contribution Product. This is an ideal product for target savers. If one want to acquire an asset say a plot, contract a house, finance a family holiday etc, can invest bits by bits but cannot redeem. Investment in this plat form can only be terminated when one acquires the target product. Redeeming the shares before the period or the target is met will be deemed to be a bleach of contract and shall cause the investor to be penalized 30% of the shares redeemed.
Who can Join or Buy Irredeemable Preference Shares
- Fundi, Business people, Shop keepers, Daily Farmers, House wives, Mama Mboga, Professional like Teachers, Lawyers among others established Business Men etc
- Anyone above the age of 18yrs
- Ready to invest as little as Kshs 100
- It’s advisable one to have a target for investment
- Be ready to abide to the terms and conditions
BBenefits of Buying Irredeemable Preference Shares
- You are able to build/grow your wealth
- One enjoys dividend / interest
- You get discounted rate while buying a property with Merino Real Estate.
- The is free financial training
- It’s ideal arrangement for target investors (e.g. when you target to buy an asset by setting money aside in small bates)
How to Join
With your National ID copy, visit Merino Real Estate Offices, K-Unity Building 1st Floor, Banana Town. Or Call 0734822261, Email us via info@merinorealstate.com/sales@merinorealestate.com
There exists a personalized relationship between merino real estate and its clients. We understand that a landlord can run short of cash before the rent income dispatch and the landlord work want to smoothen his / her consumption, landlord may be interested in painting his property and doing minor repairs and does not have cash at hand, such a landlord can approach our company investment advisors and get a rent advance or investment advance.
Merino real estate issues the following rent and investment advance products.